Lighting db003 VIVIDGRO GrowMax 240w 4k led super soil autoflower grow

That's good to hear! Will make it easier to maintain consistent temps in the tent
hello everyone time for another update on my VIVIDGRO GrowMax 240w 4k led puff puff pass cultivars autoflower grow in super soil

my seedlings are starting to show some growth so all is well there just building there roots in there pots so not much happening above ground

2x orange cookies autos from puff puff pass cultivars in day [HASHTAG]#7[/HASHTAG] from sprout

hello everyone time for another update on my VIVIDGRO GrowMax 240w 4k led puff puff pass cultivars autoflower grow in super soil

my seedlings are starting to show some growth so all is well there just building there roots in there pots so not much happening above ground

2x orange cookies autos from puff puff pass cultivars in day [HASHTAG]#7[/HASHTAG] from sprout

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And your off. I dropped seeds last night.
hello everyone time for another update on my VIVIDGRO GrowMax 240w 4k led puff puff pass cultivars autoflower grow in super soil

my seedlings are seedlings no more they young plants now they grow up so fast

I just gave them a watering and in today's watering I gave them some diastatic malt powder and some aloe vera powder they got 1 tablespoon of malted barley powder each and 1/4 of a teaspoon of aloe vera powder

diastatic malt powder is basically malted barley thats been preground I could not find the whole malted barley seed that I wanted so this will work in a pinch its great to use in veg and can be watered in or just top dressed I did a bit of both with it

malted barley has a ton of great enzymes in it that bottle nutes company's charge you a arm and a leg for when malted barley can cost penny's to make yourself

2x orange cookies autos from puff puff pass cultivars in day [HASHTAG]#12[/HASHTAG] from sprout

hello everyone time for another update on my 240w 4k led puff puff pass cultivars autoflower grow in super soil

I just gave them a watering and in today's watering they got just plain water I took a few of the bottom leaves from both of these plants the very bottom leaves were getting buried under the soil when I would water them so I just plucked them

2x orange cookies autos from puff puff pass cultivars in day [HASHTAG]#18[/HASHTAG] from sprout
