New Grower Day 70 Anvesia Haze and Vast& Fast no umber trichomes???

Feb 4, 2015
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Hello AfN

So day 70 and there are no amber trichomes except a few the most is cloudy and a lot of transparent!!! And they drin k water like crazy every 3 days. Now the soil in again crunchy dry. So what to do str8 clean ph water or can I go with very light feed once more? Thanks in advance guys 2015-04-07 12.59.02.jpg2015-04-07 12.59.19.jpg2015-04-07 12.58.44.jpg2015-04-07 13.00.22.jpg
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Hi Peter Pan

Just clean water :) probably for about 10-14 days!
I've stopped PHing the water during the cleanse (mine is 7.8) (and coco likes 5.8) - It seems to give a cleaner tastier smoke!
Hey Blue thanks for sharing your experience! I think this might work also in DWC? I could try to just add un ph'd there too and see how it goes :)

I have been silly and always ph'd my flush water..
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Thanks A lot Blue that will make things easier for me I guess no ph ing
Thanks A lot Blue that will make things easier for me I guess no ph ing

Yeah pretty straight forward. Plain water.

I would still let it sit for 12 hours to have all chlorine evaporate before applying and let the water be about same temperature as in the res.
if she still drinkin lots of water then she not will start to notice towards the end of there life they start drinkin less water. if mine drink every 3 days then towards the end they drink every 5 or 6. lol. that's cool blue. I thought I was the only 1 that just put plain un phd water mines 7.6. left out for chlorine to evap.peace
I would still let it sit for 12 hours to have all chlorine evaporate before applying and let the water be about same temperature as in the res.

lol. that's cool blue. I thought I was the only 1 that just put plain un phd water mines 7.6. left out for chlorine to evap.peace

Good point guys .. Don't forget to let the chlorine evap - It usually takes 24hours to "gas off' so after you've watered, fill up your bottle again and leave the top off (i use a 5 litre bottle as a res for 2 plants)

Faded - It's my first try not PHing the water for cleanse. I'm pretty sure there's something "missing" that i didn't like very much when i do it this way. (meaning it seems to taste better for not PHing the cleanse) - I read that info on "another forum" ... Couldn't believe it!
I've only been growing 5 years or so :rofl:
Thanks a lot friends

The only issue that concerns me is that my temperature now that summer is coming has reached 34c and I wonder if water evaporates faster for this reason and its not that plants drink much?

and something more guys I use mineral water bought from grocery shop, I guess that does not need chlorine evaporation?
Its a bit hot! :) If you can lower it by 10f, your plants will love you!

the issue is I cant the grow room is too small I cants put a stronger fan and I need to open the door all day every one hour to balance the temp, at night I dont open cause is to bloody shiny dont know what to do

and also 10 f how much in Celcius ?