Hello, new member [and grower] here. I had started this thread yesterday in the journals section:
Blue Cheese Auto Nirvana 32 Days old indoor grow log.
All I was wondering is that based on where that plants at currently will vertical growth still be put on as it ages? It's already within the 4th week heading to the 5th week here in a day or two. I know after reading muddys 'lifecycle of autoflowers' pinned thread, along with following FullDuplexs 'Way of The Fox'
nute schedule for autos' thread I seemed to gather that growth should continue and stop somewhere within the 5th week or potentially the 6th week?
The one other question was - should I be bending leaves and/or doing minor defoliation to get more light penetration to the lower sections of the branches, or does everything look par for the course so far?
All my growing details are in that link. I appreciate your time.
Here's a few pics:

Blue Cheese Auto Nirvana 32 Days old indoor grow log.
All I was wondering is that based on where that plants at currently will vertical growth still be put on as it ages? It's already within the 4th week heading to the 5th week here in a day or two. I know after reading muddys 'lifecycle of autoflowers' pinned thread, along with following FullDuplexs 'Way of The Fox'
The one other question was - should I be bending leaves and/or doing minor defoliation to get more light penetration to the lower sections of the branches, or does everything look par for the course so far?
All my growing details are in that link. I appreciate your time.
Here's a few pics: