Day 17 of Blue Amnesia Auto, is she stunted

Even using grow bags water pools up in the bottom. Keep that in mind. Unless you spend more on rain science bags, but that's a whole different convo.
Hi guys
hope you have a great day

just an update, here is DAY 20 of Blue Amnesia Auto

She grows her leaves but very very slow.

I fed her yesterday with NPK 20-10-10, 1/8 of dose diluted in water and ph-ed 6.3 while waiting on my superthrive order

I water her slowly from the edges of the pot for approx 500ml ( I have not watered it for 4 days and many people said she is starving)
pot size is 2 gallon/7.5 liter

But today I see her leaves a little droopy and turning yellowy.


Does she have any chance to survive?
what soil mix? its your time to waste, but ide start over and use different soil next time.. and start seed in a light seedling mix
Hi guys
hope you have a great weekend

Just an update on my stunted baby on her Day 24 Blue Amnesia Auto

I water her today with approx 200ml of Superthrive water (2 drops ST in 1 liter) ph-ed 6.2

it was 5 days ago since I water her with NPK 20-10-10 and she turned yellowy.

I hope this superthrive water will make her better

any advices are appreciated
Pull her. Start again. She will probably grow and produce bud, but she's way behind. Watering, as everyone else has said. Your pot looks dryer than the sahara and while babies don't need much water, they still need water. My routine is to water the pot til runoff prior to dropping bean then use a spray bottle usually twice a day to keep top of soil damp. All the water you put through the pot will stay trapped since your wetting the top. You shouldn't even water a pot until like 10-14 days. and even then it's a light watering. I don't water to runoff for 21-28 days, typically. And only once. After that I figure out how much water a particular pot can hold then water til it's just about to runoff then stop.
I believe it was over watering at start.
and the soil holds water for quiet a long time
it's a 3 gallon pot

next time I will weight the pot when dry prior to wet the soil

thanks for your feedback
I water her every third day for about 75ml around the edges of the pot, bubbled tap water ph 6.3
1/3 a cup of water every three days around the edge of the pot doesnt sound like overwatering unless maybe you watered the whole pot initially and then kept adding water at that rate, although that still wouldnt make sense to me.
1/3 a cup of water every three days around the edge of the pot doesnt sound like overwatering unless maybe you watered the whole pot initially and then kept adding water at that rate, although that still wouldnt make sense to me.

yes that could be it, that made her stunted at the start. I feel like this soil kept the water in it and i was rushing to water her again
yes that could be it, that made her stunted at the start. I feel like this soil kept the water in it and i was rushing to water her again
I would seriously start over, at this stage, 20-21 days your leaves should be reaching the edges of the pot. Basically time line wise she's 20 days so should start flowering in a couple of weeks but she doesn't have the stems branches and leaves to support flowering. Don't torture yourself, if you have another seed start over following the advice re watering the guys have given, it's good advice, they've helped me massively, good luck :goodluck: