What's up folks! I've been away for a bit...sorry about that, but I'm back and doing great!
I've been really busy with taking over the restaurant, but its going very well. I was able to get a car and I have a vacation to Lake Tahoe coming up for my birthday later this month! So all in all, pretty good!
As for the garden, it's going nuts! Auto pounder is on her h2o flush now, she's got maybe a week or 10 days before her chop. She's so stinky I've had to implement odor control. I can smell her outside mY apartment! Her buds are getting so big I had to stake her today because she's drooping. I can't wait to try her.
My blueberry stick is also doing very well. Finishing up soon also I think. She's started to yellow so today was her last feed. Water only after today!
Lastly is black jack. She's responded really well to her LST sending up 3 additional main colas. One of them has two tops also so she's gonna have a funny twin bud!
I'm going to start an afghan kush tonight.
Anyway, enjoy the pics and ill do my best to keep updates coming!!
They are group, blueberry, blueberry, pounder, black jack, pounder