Sweet Seeds dark devil auto grow

Aug 18, 2016
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I grew out one dark devil I let it go a full ten weeks before harvesting it. I ended up with 69 grams of fruity smelling bud. the smell is different and hard to describe fruit mix maybe would best describe it. I liked it so much I decided to grow another three dark devils just to make sure my first one wasn't a fluke plus the fact that I broke my main cola off mid flower do to overcrowding when moving it around in my tent at one time I had 16 different strains growing in a 5x5 tent. I am now going to concentate on just these three and see what they will really do. today I put three seeds in rapid rooters that I put inside cutoff solo cups with hydroton on the sides to keep them standing up they are under one mars hydro 600watt l.e.d. . I didn't think to take pictures but will follow up with pics later.
I have dark devil but haven't grown it yet. Looking forward to seeing how it goes for you.