Dankstyle Js Oregon Poetry Of Plants

Got any roots yet,pretty cool if it works,have seen other plants started that way.Peace
Sorta robbio looks like they might be forming if so I have already figured out how to improve method and create with regular house stuff a lil cloning area hopefully works ,I get some really awesome phenos that I just love and when the jars empty there gone would love to keep some of those ladies around for the long haul .
I've have clones in just 2 white foam cups one has water and the other cup just a hole in the middle for the clone to slit in the hole. I get roots in 2 TO 3 days, and they stay green. Really simple method of cloning no need for fancy clone sprayer machines well unless you get alot of clones.
Mephisto Toothless Alien doing nicely
J, just stumbled in, I can tell I'm gonna have some fun, cheers bro
Thanks friend I really like the smell on the mamba negra auto a pine ,skunky fruity,the tooth alien as usual has a super sweet candy lemon smell both are very crystal filled.