Well your blowing me away for total lumins..lol I think I'm kicking out about 115,000
Here's a couple of pics, one with all the lights on and one with a couple off, I wasn't sure which one would look better.
Basically all I did was build a frame out of 2X4's, and I use 1X1/2's at the 5ft level to anchor the lights to.
I like to keep my indoor grows small, most of my plants top out at about 3 feet.
The 4 way CFL sockets are great, they blast the plants with light, and the plants seem to love it.
Right now I'm using 14 - 6500K daylight bulbs, and 4 - 3500K bulbs. When I switch over to 12/12 I swap out 2/3 of them with 3500K soft white bulbs.
And on nice sunny days I turn the lights off and take them outside for some real light. I've learned it helps make for some tighter buds...