Day 5:
Everyone is doing well just wanted to get an update in as today they received their first dose of compost tea!
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It was bubbling over all over the place so I'm assuming that's a good sign! Brewed it for about 36 hours.
A few lessons learned already. First was I overfilled it a ton and it just kept bubbling and spilling over. I made too much anyway so next time its a half batch. Second making this in my lung room was a huge mistake, it smelled liked a fish's butt hole, especially since it just kept spilling. Sooo next time I'll make this outside in the garage or backyard. Quick question, does it matter if the water gets hotter while making the tea if I left it outside in the shade?
Anyways I gave it to the ladies at a 50% dilution and they seemed to love it! All 6 are doing well. My late start Samsquanch OG is in a 1 gallon pot now as well, that broke today. Overall even with the compost tea this should be an easy grow! Excited to see how it all turns out. Thanks for stopping by!
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