New Grower Danielsaaan’s Fourth Grow - Nightowl Blue Microverse

Day 68: Does this look like the formation of “nanners?” I plan on chopping tomorrow.
Looks like some really swollen calyxs to me. But Im no expert.
I think they are just plump calyx's.
Ok, that’s good then I think! Still bummed out at how this plant has turned out. Seems like my grows go good for the first 50 or so days (minus some overwatering early on lol), then they progress into a yellow mess. The worst part is I have no clue what I’m doing wrong at this stage. I’d chalk it up to nutrients, but I’ve had same issues around the same time in past grows.
You using dots? Thats your problem I would guess. Did two or three grows with then. Never again. You need some control.
As much as I’d love to blame the nutrients for my issues, I really don’t think that’s it. It looks PH related, but I don’t know how. My head is spinning haha. Just need to put this grow behind me and try again next time. Appreciate everyone’s advice and feedback!
My plants dont look that great either man. Had a ruff spell myself but I dont give up. ph and nutes new soil. Trying used soil. Lots 7 seeds to that disaster. your not alone lol :pighug:
They’re so easy in veg! We’ll get it down to a science eventually! Lol