damaged seed: test grow

I've always been one to question everything, and see for myself, what works, what doesn't and why. And I've only let fear stop me from anything once in my life, and it cost me the love of my life. I swore never again!
Sometimes it's the simplest things that work best. We let our fear of failure get in the way.
Looking like the final count will be 9 sprouts. One probably isn't going to survive but the rest look good.

a pic of my clone cab and the seedlings and my rootball tomato plant cuttings.

clone cab pic1 -3-28-2016.jpg

I moved the box of seedlings to the growroom to share a tent with 2 Blue Dragon from the first, germination in paper towel. They are in a 10 gallon tote and getting big! The seedlings are doing ok. Should be interesting in a couple weeks lol!

seed plantspic1 -4-8-2016.jpg
Blue Dragon pic1 -4-8-2016.jpg