Seed Stockers Dale does Seedstockers Indoors

Rucu Cucu OG and Mac & Crack Germination
  • Joined
    Oct 4, 2021
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    Currently Smoking
    What I got...
    Well I had some space open up in the tent and some soil kicking around... So I dropped some seedstockers into some Coast of Maine Stonington blend TLS with just a hand full of CoM sprout island seed starter mix in the center for germination... I filled the pot last night and put them on a heat mat last night after fully saturating the pots... Today the pots were plenty warm enough to plant... soaked the seeds for 3 hr in warm RO with a little Kelp and Humic.. Then straight to their final homes 5 gallon honor the plant grow bags stuck and cup with some holes on them for germination once they pop up it will come off... got under a 100w full spec led 24/0 for now around day 9 we'll move them in the big tent for good.... Now we wait they should be up in 3-5 days then were off to the races :headbang::goodluck::welcome::thanks::pass::pop:


    Seedstockers Rucu Cucu OG Day 1
  • She's Alive :jump::hump: looking nice and healthy bit dry down here so I'll leave the dome on her for a couple days.... Pot is still plenty moist once tops dries down crisps up then I'll start using pump sprayer till then just watching her:pop:

    Seedstockers Rucu Cucu OG Day 6
  • She's looking great leaves are little funny looking but healthy green:headbang: Gave her some plain RO water today since pot was really light hadn't done anything since pre planting except moved her to a little tent with a humidifier going since it's really dry now with winter here... Been turning the light up a little also cause don't want them to get too stretchy getting right around 20 dli with photone app on iphone

    Seedstockers Mac & Crack Day 6
  • She is looking great too very healthy gave her some RO water too same treatment as RC :toke: This part is fun but painful trying not overwater this run and doing good job I think:goodluck::cooldance::shooty: LITFA:pop:

    Seedstockers Rucu Cucu OG Day 8
  • She was getting a tad stretchy so I moved the girls over the big tent tonight and they get switched to 18/6 in doing so:headbang:... Otherwise she is looking great :pop:

    Seedstockers Rucu Cucu OG / Mac & Crack Day 12 Topdress
  • Seedstocker girls are looking amazing just chugging along :headbang:

    Temps and rh are decent pushing the light to them got it as high to the top of tent as I can girls are getting right around 30 dli at 18/6 @ 48" to top of pots see how they do :headbang: This about where I leave my light set I just turned the dimmer down a tad:toke:


    I topped dressed with 1/2 cup of earthworm castings, 1/4 CoM plant food 5-2-4, 1/8 cup lobster meal 6-2-0 scratched in a little then water in with RO water and bit of Silca, Kelp, Humic, Omina, Amino, yucca, and some Monterey insect spray(spinosad) just incase there is anything down below I did see a couple you know what flying around :eek1::rolleyes1: I gave them a good heavy watering since i hadn't done anything in a few days pot were pretty dry they'll be good for a few days again maybe sprayer in between


    Seedstockers Rucu Cucu OG Day 12



    Seedstockers Mac and Crack Day 12


    Seedstockers Rucu Cucu OG and Mac & Crack Day 19
  • Both girls are doing great starting to take off I gave them thier weekly bennies feeding along with some Greenlife Biotics Roots2Shoots: 1gallon RO .1g Silica, .125 RAW Kelp, .35g RAW Humic, .08g RAW Omina & Amino, .02g RAW yucca, .5ml GreenLife Biotics Roots2Shoots, and 1.5ml Hydrogaurd... I will start doing some training on them tomorrow :headbang::naughtystep:


    Seedstockers Rucu Cucu OG Day 26
  • Seedstockers Rucu Cucu OG Day 26

    Girls are doing great I did give them some npk RAW calmag .325 grams and Greenlife biotics root2shoots .5ml per gallon the other day and they are starting to get some color haven't watered in a couple days but think tomorrow girls will be ready for another drink which will be the same plus the normal bennies too... I started training on them earlier in the week and been adjusting since.....

