Mephisto Genetics Dabber's Mephisto Grow Show

Location 2 got some funky growing on 2 of the SL :shrug: the MS and other SL look fine
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Looks like you are using different mediums. What are they? What are you feeding them and did you do anything different than usual? Your plants look a tad yellow. I believe you are using MC V2. Check your pH of soil and of your mix. Make sure you don't have any pests. My buddy struggled with MC V2, had pale plants. But he also had gnats. He is using AN now and his plants are doing much better. His gnats are almost gone he said. I really liked MC V1. It smelled bad, but worked great. Personally I think V2 is inconsistent, and way different than V1. The calcium chunks in V2 make it hard to have equal feedings in small doses. I would like to recommend Green Planet nutes if you continue to have issues. I ran out of MC and moved to Green Planet. My plants love it. I love it. Way easy to mix and the plants are doing better than with MC V1 and V2. They look extremely happy. I use 2g per gal of Calmag pro. Then 6-8ml per gal of Dual Fuel. It isn't expensive, you may want to give it a try if you keep having pale growth. Just wanted to let you know about the Green Planet nutes, I can't say enough about them. I actually like the Calmag pro from Greenleaf. I have a ton of it. So I use it first then 6-8 ml per gal of Dual Fuel. Perfect for veg. Add a few ml per gal of MASSIVE, Rezin and Liquid Weight in flower and use 6ml.per gal of Part 1 and 2 each.
Looks like you are using different mediums. What are they? What are you feeding them and did you do anything different than usual? Your plants look a tad yellow. I believe you are using MC V2. Check your pH of soil and of your mix. Make sure you don't have any pests. My buddy struggled with MC V2, had pale plants. But he also had gnats. He is using AN now and his plants are doing much better. His gnats are almost gone he said. I really liked MC V1. It smelled bad, but worked great. Personally I think V2 is inconsistent, and way different than V1. The calcium chunks in V2 make it hard to have equal feedings in small doses. I would like to recommend Green Planet nutes if you continue to have issues. I ran out of MC and moved to Green Planet. My plants love it. I love it. Way easy to mix and the plants are doing better than with MC V1 and V2. They look extremely happy. I use 2g per gal of Calmag pro. Then 6-8ml per gal of Dual Fuel. It isn't expensive, you may want to give it a try if you keep having pale growth. Just wanted to let you know about the Green Planet nutes, I can't say enough about them. I actually like the Calmag pro from Greenleaf. I have a ton of it. So I use it first then 6-8 ml per gal of Dual Fuel. Perfect for veg. Add a few ml per gal of MASSIVE, Rezin and Liquid Weight in flower and use 6ml.per gal of Part 1 and 2 each.

No same medium took couple pics b4 spraying them. My bro at location 2 has a little different mix and we havent had any major issues with either now we did have gnats . I'll know more about the V3 after this 20 plant run
No same medium took couple pics b4 spraying them. My bro at location 2 has a little different mix and we havent had any major issues with either now we did have gnats . I'll know more about the V3 after this 20 plant run
Did they change MC again? What are you spraying them with? What brand of Medium are you using? If you have/had gnats, what have you done to get rid of them? If you want a cheap but effective spray, dissolve 1 Asperin in a gal of water. Spray at lights out. Pests can effect your plants "immune system". The Silica in the Asperin helps with the stress. Good luck, Peace slowandeasy
The CDLC didnt make it so will be replacing them with DG with 1 going in a 7 gallon rain science grow bag