coco I grow in a blend I throw together I feed 1 gram per gallon 1/4 tsp of SC per gallonim in! i desperately wanna figure out how to dial in MC. The more i read, the more fuckin confused im getting. You seem to know what you're doing, so im gonna do as you do (as long as it makes sense for my plants). Im growing two plants in coco. Hubbabubbasmelloscope and Zamaldelica Express (f4) and they're both at Day 7 (after popping the coco).
edit: what's your feeding/nute schedule for seedlings?
coco I grow in a blend I throw together I feed 1 gram per gallon 1/4 tsp of SC per gallon
I add BE around day 14 to 21 first dose then when flower starts I add it every feeding I use 1 tsp per 5 gallon, BTW all my MC I do 5 gallon mixes so day 1 to 10 5 grams MC 1 tsp SC ( I always use 1 tsp SC per 5 gallon ) I move it up to 4 grams per gallon over next 20 days maxing out @ 20 grams MC, 1 TSP SC, 1 TSP BE, then I wind it back down once buds start to swell typically 1 gram per gallon every week till hit 2 grams per gallon still adding 1 TSP SC and 1 TSP BE till last week or two finishing off with 1 TSP SC per 5 gallon. if this helps but I hope so. What version are you usingnice, right now im feeding .83g/gal of MC and 2ml of Silica (from Mad Farmer) and Recharge every 7-10 days or so. Are you still adding in BE once you're in flower?
My plan is to slowly work up to 1g of MC, then add in 0.5g of SC (to keep a nice ratio). If they're cool with that, then im gonna add in Massive Bloom until the first week of flower. Then switch that for BE. I dunno...we'll see what the plants are okay with.
I add BE around day 14 to 21 first dose then when flower starts I add it every feeding I use 1 tsp per 5 gallon, BTW all my MC I do 5 gallon mixes so day 1 to 10 5 grams MC 1 tsp SC ( I always use 1 tsp SC per 5 gallon ) I move it up to 4 grams per gallon over next 20 days maxing out @ 20 grams MC, 1 TSP SC, 1 TSP BE, then I wind it back down once buds start to swell typically 1 gram per gallon every week till hit 2 grams per gallon still adding 1 TSP SC and 1 TSP BE till last week or two finishing off with 1 TSP SC per 5 gallon. if this helps but I hope so. What version are you using
5Looking good in there dabber. How many cobs in what space is this?