Indoor Custom LED Panels/Feedback

  • Thread starter Thread starter MrCaaks
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I like those prices, I've been looking at grownorthern, who seem good but are steeeep!
Yeah they are steep mate,there 6 spot led is about £320 which is loads more money
The issue with going with a 60 degree or 90 degree or other optics if you lose light from loss since you have to add a secondary lens. Ive never built a LED panel but one of the reasons why the Solarstorm I have has 120 degree angles is there using 5 watt LEDs and it blasts its way through the plant.

"Nate: I’m interested to hear more about your 120 degree diodes. During the past few years it seems like companies have been moving away from these wider diodes more towards 90 and 60 degree diodes. The argument is that the tighter beam angles allow for deeper penetration. Why are you going with the 120 degree diodes? Does it have something to do with the powerful 5w diodes you are using?
George: There is no free lunch Nate. When you use secondary optics (i.e. external lenses) to narrow the beam angle you do get a higher concentration of light in the center but you do that at the expense of coverage area at a given height. What’s worse, you immediately lose up to 10-15% of your light output when you use secondary optics. It’s simple light physics: Anytime light has to travel through another medium before reaching the plant leaves there’s a loss.
We have a fully equipped photometric lab with NIST traceable calibration at California LightWorks. That’s one of our key strengths. We studied all the beam angle options and chose to go with LED emitters that have 120 degree polished glass primary optics. Many low end LED emitters use gel-based primary optics and acrylic secondary optics which don’t transmit light as well and lose transparency over time.
With our 5W emitters, the light intensity is so high, even from a distance of 24” that any beam angle narrower than 120 degrees becomes overkill. Other companies need to use a narrower beam angle in order to get higher intensity at the longer distances. But of course they do that at the expense of coverage area."
What’s worse, you immediately lose up to 10-15% of your light output when you use secondary optics. It’s simple light physics: Anytime light has to travel through another medium before reaching the plant leaves there’s a loss.

I can attest this as fact!
I can attest this as fact!

One of the things that attracted me to California Light Works was Georges complete honesty about the product. Every email has been answered in a very very quick manner on a full range of things I had asked him. I can't name a single LED company that has been so forthcoming about there product, and reasonings behind various stuff. Its a little pricey but I got on there growers program for half off.
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Its a little pricey but I got on there growers program for half off.

good deal... I always say, you get what you pqay for.... dont believe in cheaping out on anything.... although sometimes budget forces cheapness... i rty to buy the best once instead of buying junk and having to replace it... :toke:
thanks for sharing the info
good deal... I always say, you get what you pqay for.... dont believe in cheaping out on anything.... although sometimes budget forces cheapness... i rty to buy the best once instead of buying junk and having to replace it... :toke:
thanks for sharing the info

Not a problem...I believe that as well and usually will wait to get what I want at the expense of getting it now and always wondering if it was better.
Thanks for the input!! And yes I completely agree.. Now I hear they make lenses that actually magnify the intensity of the light! For instance Advanced led's new diamond series. Its the old model with a newly designed lens that pushes the penetration level to 6 ft, rather than the original 5 ft. Not a huge difference, but it is possible. I also agree you definitely get what you pay for and its in your best interest to expect the worst and hope for the best in those kind of situations. All I know is results are results. If I am able to achieve my goals without having to pay for the convenience of buying from a local company, than by all means I will do so. Whatever floats your boat! I will do a comparison grow very soon. 400 watt hps/mh vs. custom led panel that actually draws 400 watts. Should be interesting at the least. Thanks again for the input!! Lets keep the information flowing!!