O Just do what I do Put some amyl nitrate in the AC vents and Bump the BPM to 120...

Never fake it!!!!!
Im kidding Poppers are bad1!!!
Hhaha poppers, yeah not good for you butt........
I used to be a "cheesey quaver" for our merican brothers and sisters that is cockney rhyming slang for "Raver".
So I was at this rave throwing some shapes, and this bloke next to me pulls out some poppers and had a good old sniff.
It really adds a lil something when you coming up on them disco biscuits, know what I'm saying

Anyhoo I asked if I could have a sniff, I was a bit out of it even before I had have a sniff of the poppers.
So put one finger to one nostril, I take an all might sniff and seeing as it was a brand new bottle it was full to the top.
Boooom the next thing I know shit goes sideways, I have been a bit too eager and had sniffed liquid popper up my nose

What happened next is almost impossible to explain but suddenly my head was exploding, it felt like it was 5 times bigger and floating above my body.
My heart started racing at an unbelievable rate and my vision went green and I mean everything was in shades of green.
I rush of to the toilet to throw up and my mates came to my assistance, with really worried looks on their faces not knowing what had just occurred!
Suffice to say that was the last time I ever touched poppers!