If that song doesn't get you going, I don't know what will!!!!
Did some choppy-chop of the last autos in the grow area.. The Humboldt Bubba Cheese auto has literally almost ZERO smell and I feel a little shitty because it probably could've gone for another week or so for a little more girth, but meh.. Such is life.. The NLxBB that DID auto smells fantastic!!!! All 3 plants had very dense buds, which is always welcome in my home!!!!! Now... If I can just make sure not to kill this rather large NLxBB that DIDN'T auto, then I could have me some solid weight in NL by the end of the summer!! Funny thing is all 3 plants turned purple to a degree, which is surprising, but also lends some credence to the idea that my soil is Mg-def on the long-term..
All veggies are outside and basking in this mini-heat wave that we're in now!!! Everything looks happy.. My buddy says my garden looks like a vegetable concentration camp.. One must take extreme measures when the woodchuck threat is high..