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What's up all? I'm home alone for the weekend as the wife and my daughters went to pick up my son from the valley.

Hey man enjoy the quiet . I'm maxing and relaxing here .


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5 gallon bucket with a recycled organic mix with a few additions..Top dressed with living soil, Mychorrizae added around the base of the seedling..Tier planted..The top tier is some Roots Organic and Promix with some worm castings and lime..Just been watered with cal/mag, Mammoth P and 1 small feed so far with Foxfarm Big Bloom.

EDIT: To be more precise I added 1 tablespoon per gallon in the bucket of the GBD/Mephisto amendment and used it throughout the 5 gallons not just the bottom 2.5 ,rock phosphate,gypsum,Epsoma garden lime,Organicare grow & bloom granules,insect frass, worm castings,Perlite,azomite,alfalfa meal and threw in some Real Grower's recharge.
see mate, many people are put off hydro because they think its complicated. its given me many a sore head figuring it all out thus far but theres probably more thought went into your soil than there is in my entire grow. thats some recipe like. must cost a fortune surely, you ever worked it out? rough guess id say im about £80 per plant for a grow not including electricity.
jesus! thats the first thing i seen this morning mate. you poor bastard. that would break me man. my last lot took me about 14 hours and nearly drove me to insanity. fair play to you though man thats true dedication : )

With a broken neck, its true torture!! But once its done, its done!!

@johnp540 - I bought a 10" exhaust fan that i will be very soon fashioning into a whip style trimmer similar to the $2000 trim-pro.
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