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a wouldnt worry about it dying yet mate lol. otll take a lot more than some poncey nute defs to kill that. ive got some auto ultimate drying just now. cant wait to get fired into it but be another week or so : (
Looks like a lovely haul u got out of that ....I'm just waiting on ma next 2 being ready ....couple of weeks

Sent from my 9001X using Tapatalk
Looks like a lovely haul u got out of that ....I'm just waiting on ma next 2 being ready ....couple of weeks

Sent from my 9001X using Tapatalk
did you ever get a dry weight up for that big mutant thing that you tried to kill? still cant get over that one lol
Man. Everything I use in my garden smells horrid. General organics box. Yuck. Great white smells. And the Mammoth p. Pew .
Speaking of. The hybrid hempy 2.0 is really starting to take off. Pretty excited.
Hope your garden is doing well.

Ya man the garden is looking awesome. I'll have pics and measurements in a bit.

Top of the morning to y'all.
Someone's enjoying the sour livers lol

Nice shot! love the mantis.
it seems scientists have gone and found that plants have a brain that decide when they grow...
and they thought I was crazy for playing music to them.....

they do have a mind. It is a chemical mind, plant DNA is far superior to humans in many many ways. They have been evolving far longer than us. They adapt chemically to whatever you throw at them. DNA changes on the fly within real time. It's truly amazing what these things can do.

(( all mispellings are solely the fault of google, android, and firefox. I accept no responsibility for poor grammer either...))

Cannabis has a relationship with humans even closer than dogs. We have the endo-cannabinoid system with receptors aligned to cannabis oils. We have co-evolved for millions of years. It is evidence that we have eaten cannabis since the begining. (either that or we were genetically altered) still think you're the crazy one for playing music to them?
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