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that's a cool one... good thinking...

... man I'm gonna be in shit I can see it now...

k well... pg-13 it up a bit contestants?? I didn't even see that last one musta been vulgar hahaha
once a year moe gets in shit at the solstice

its why they wont let me join the softball team
mo, I was really enjoying your comp
Right people lets get this party back on track with some nice clean fun ...

Build me a Henge...

Build me the best representation of Stonehenge you can out what ever materials you want at what ever size...

Remember to Tag me in the photo

You have one hour from now 20.40 bst

The misses will be judging this one

Dam I knew I shouldn't have eaten all the weetabix,this is a toughie
I just sold a Ford 801 that's a little older than that one. I got a pic somewhere of me sitting on it from back in the 60's. I think I was 8 at the time! :pass:

the whole state rembers it pal
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