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Awsome arnt they i absalutley love autos i grew photos for years n years and was always put off trying due to the crap you read o google about not as potent small yeild ect .

This comp was to debunk that myth
Yeah man I hear that! I did photos a while back too, grew out 30 odd plants... Saw a friends mephisto growth over 2-3 weeks and was like wtf, how gimme some. Was hooked! I wanna try more and more autos!
It passed after an absolute hammer down rain storm for 3 hours,, and blue skies on the horizon...we did get hammered and I checked out the test garden plants(which are perfect), and also checked the full sun garden plants and they made it though unscathed!....whew! I think i am getting of easy this round!! Heavy winds knocked off a tree branch that crashed through our tarp overhang over the outdoor kitchen...bent the post and ripped the roof...not too bad at all considering the potential.

Whew. No hail! I am so glad there was no damage to your gardens.
Yeah man I hear that! I did photos a while back too, grew out 30 odd plants... Saw a friends mephisto growth over 2-3 weeks and was like wtf, how gimme some. Was hooked! I wanna try more and more autos!
Once you start autos n get it right ull never look back try dp glueberry ull love it and its a huge yeilder even for novice auto growers
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