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great when shit like that goes down eh. i once robbed a vending machine for chocolate with spud from trainspotting!

nice :crying:... I got a great story from getting back stage at Glastonbury one year, dropped and snorted with some massive names... but the best bit was having a pint with John Peel
[HASHTAG]#show us your bush[/HASHTAG]

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[HASHTAG]#summersolstice[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#sunworship[/HASHTAG]
Good Afternoon [HASHTAG]#afnstoners[/HASHTAG] :yay1:..are we all Naked...?

Ha the vid..someone needs to tell that guy you suck up on a bong..:hookah:..not blow into it...:crying:

I no I am... if they not naked yet... they will be...

at the age of about 22 early in the morning after a party at my mates I open my mates front door to Mungo Jerry he had popped round to see my mates dad... we did bongs in the kitchen for a wake and bake... he is a sorted geezer

is it just me or does mungo have an andre the giant look going bahahahah
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