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you didn't hear this from me... but if you go try on some shoes lmao theres always a couple packs in each box
cheap pair of shoes... fill box with packets... win win
yeah so those fucking things you get in shoes, and food and bread and other shit, they are all the same thing right? cause i can go buy packs of a few hundred of those at my local distributor for work lol
yeah so those fucking things you get in shoes, and food and bread and other shit, they are all the same thing right? cause i can go buy packs of a few hundred of those at my local distributor for work lol
silica beads or some ish..

"the secrets of the kilt"
an @archie gemmill story
the tale of one mans journey to master the pipe..
Fresh from the garden of le-eden gonna be my b-fast with eggs!!!
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