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@Green Goblin
I finally found mosquito dunks. :yay:

But I have a question about pH- should I adjust the water before or after adding the dunk?

Much appreciated

Throw your dunk in,then adjust your water or vice versa, I don't see a difference either way.

Edit: I don't want to mislead you here bro, so just in case take 2 separate cups of water and add some dunk in one before you pH and some dunk in the other after you ph just to be sure..Retest the one you add after you ph:thumbsup: I always just added it to my soil mixes and watered it in so just be on the safe side.
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Here's Victory Biggest Bud chugging along
If I have access to well water would it be better than distilled water and better for pH?

If it's better for PH (you mean not having to keep it in check?) depends on the soil type and nutrient type you use. The type of soil you are using requires you to water within proper ph range and therefore you need to check, bro!

My organic girls

Retest the one you add after you ph:thumbsup: I always just added it to my soil mixes and watered it in so just be on the safe side.

Thanks GG, Good idea re testing. Next time I will find the granules and add them to my mix.

Funny, I went to so many placed I thought would have the dunks. One place suggested a well known nursery that I had forgotten all about, so I took a big detour only to find they had packed up after all those years, and it is now a pet supply store.

On a whim I went in to ask if they've heard of this stuff, and he said "Wait a minute... we walked past the fish tanks and he said "We sell pond supplies", and there it was.

I should have got my dog a treat while I was there....
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