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I agree,Hide in the bushes for several hours so NOONE knows your there at night,wait for himtho come home and do a drive by with a big ass stick. then break a few bones for good measure. all whilst dancing a jig with heavy steel boots on too for the curb side smile :D oh wait ,you can go the legal route but it tends to be grossly ineffective LOL yes Im talking out my ass LOL I cant stand domestic battery ,awww someones delicate sensibilities are hurt ,so lemme take it out on a weaker person. truest scumbag. id bury that shitheel in my back yard. LMAO!
Get your fiance to file a restraining order if possible . :thumbsup: Bite the bullet and forget the " neck snapping . :nono:

Bro here's the funny shit. She has two. And the court is still open to supervised visitation. Which is what this is about today . Fucking pissed
Goooood morning AFN!!

Little Saturday morning fruit smoothie and some [HASHTAG]#showusyourbush[/HASHTAG] to get the day going. :baked:

Goooood morning AFN!!

Little Saturday morning fruit smoothie and some [HASHTAG]#showusyourbush[/HASHTAG] to get the day going. :baked:


At first I though that was a tea for ur plants lol. Nice cobs. Can't wait till I switch to them Cree COBs
Okay lets go with @Eyes on Fire idea and get somebody to break his legs . :eyebrows:

The scumbag broke into our house when we first got together. Heard his creepy ass voice over the baby monitor . Jumped the fuck out of my bed and him and my fiancé had words and I just took him on the ground like citizen arrest while she called the cops. I was heated so I just kept asking if he was gonna leave if I let him go. And he got up and left and we got a order of protection . I should have never let him leave...

I had a bunch of seedlings going and had two sherrifs in my kitchen ...
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