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Sorry,'s just a mini slapper and Mon :pass:passes back to arty! LOL
I've just some ideas for another poster style for the next interview...have to check some things this week!
To be honest mate 100 rep points is just about the right size to give for a slap!
I gave you a full on wallop which will probably not let you sit down for a day or so, the reason why you got such a big slapper was you did good, I mean real good.
that was a top poster, i liked your style!
Slaps of that size are rare but they do happen from time to time.
I look forward to more posters from you but don't expect such a big slap, unless you truly blow the last one out of the water ;)
Have fantastic day my friend :smoking::vibe:
To be honest mate 100 rep points is just about the right size to give for a slap!
I gave you a full on wallop which will probably not let you sit down for a day or so, the reason why you got such a big slapper was you did good, I mean real good.
that was a top poster, i liked your style!
Slaps of that size are rare but they do happen from time to time.
I look forward to more posters from you but don't expect such a big slap, unless you truly blow the last one out of the water ;)
Have fantastic day my friend :smoking::vibe:
Mephisto Secret Weapon . :eyebrows:
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