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Kiss your strains goodbye.......... Quote from article:

"Biotech Institute is in the process of accumulating worldwide rights to a large swath of the cannabis plant ecosystem" and "There are two approved patents that could potential cover more than 50 percent of the strains in the market, the report explained."

We'll never see $50 oz. because of this. Weed should cost no more than a liter of Jack Daniels
nepalese temple ball for this kid :D altho I'm a fan of most hasj I've ever tried

I remember buying a 5g of honey oil a decade ago. That jug lasted me months, and I needed a tolerance break after :baked:
Unfortunately I have never had the chance to sample Temple Balls but I know i would love it.
Kiss your strains goodbye.......... Quote from article:

"Biotech Institute is in the process of accumulating worldwide rights to a large swath of the cannabis plant ecosystem" and "There are two approved patents that could potential cover more than 50 percent of the strains in the market, the report explained."

We'll never see $50 oz. because of this. Weed should cost no more than a liter of Jack Daniels

Did you see the makers of Gorilla Glue adhesive are going after the strain name?
through time, it'll get alot worse. I don't mean just using other brand names (liquid plumber? :lol:), but companies will try to patent specific profiles. Scary shit.
One one hand it is great that cannabis is being legalized on the other hand it allows big companies to act like total tossers.
If you see any Manali charas pick me up some, best hash ever!
Only ever tasted it once in amsterdam ,after my ex wife gave me an article to read in a sunday magazine about the woman in the manali valley and how they organise the distribution ,paying of police and officials and run production cause their men are lazy stoned fools .......whether its true or just creative journalism im not sure ........but haveing smooked it i can see why the men could end up like that

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