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After a day off sitting in Black water. "Monster Brew" the wife said they look very healthy. So I didn't kill them.
Starting to think the blueberry broke soil n died with helmet on. Not done nothing since breaching .
Well shit. I been slacking.
We need a safety break.
I'm good, my friend! Just finished up with some yard work...its a beautiful day out! How are you doing?:d5:
terrible weather here but apart from that its all good im waiting till tmoz put all my youngsters back out we had bad storms this is them huddled under cfl
Got a 10$ macro lense attachment for phone from gas station. Test pic of a stem piece
Thats bad ass!!!:d5:
terrible weather here but apart from that its all good im waiting till tmoz put all my youngsters back out we had bad storms this is them huddled under cfl
They look happy there! :d5:
Thats bad ass!!!:d5:

They look happy there! :d5:
just have to keep rotating them at least they are going to be stable when they get left out there
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