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Always bro!!!.. Work is just being D-bags... They may still fill my spot and i wont have to return anyway, ill be free to find another/better company.. It always works out... TY bro
Close a door and a window opens bro, a charismatic dog like you will find sumting better in no time lol :pass:
Good morning Stoners. It is 6 am on the coast of California - smoking bong rips of Grand Daddy Purple.

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Morning!!! Here hit this... Im a Hash Hoarder today
make this pic into a jigsaw puzzle!!!!
See, I thought you'd finance the boobs (edit) with weed money. Don't know where I got that idea from...
oh she pays for it like. im not that nice lol. just meant im not punting quarters n that, it all gets shipped out so no danger of geting caught.
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