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Killing stepside in beard grow off. ;)

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Side note. Safely parked not driving. For those concerned.
I'm coming for you!!

Give me another month
MoMo, lets friggin party!!!!!
eeeezzzzzz rollin'!!!
classic!! bunn up d' ash wha gwann!!!!!

wait for the bass, wait for the bass
bunn up d ash in d live stona place!
jump up!
get down!
gnna rolla one like archie now​
Try and keep up will you . :rofl:
I'll be way behind. Won't try catching up today. But will be going live in 3 hours when I get off.

Starting day when I get off. With a cured super grapey pheno of sour stomper topped with my last bit of bubble.

Starting a batch of bho. Doing a few dabs while that purges.

And then more dabs.

Will make and smoke the hash live. Can't wait to come party.
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