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there's that "top heavy" look we just Love!
I was planning to chop this weekend ......but,no .......that bitch wants pushed till she bursts haha .......i cant stop laughing at it everytime i go in .....i swear u can watch it ......when away from the wall it looks like a minora ....a very heavy minora......

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Queen Anne's lace


In the background there
assasin : a corruption of the persian word hashashine,given copius quantities of raw hashish then wound into a frenzy before going into battle,notorious for getting the job done........fckng torags

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Don't forget Gold Seal from India

So good Goldie looking chain wrote a song about it .......fuckng scurge ,m25,laughed at in Holland.....we used to get good hash before that crap arrived an mass.....nice strong afghan black leave ur face sweating like mature cheese,proper pollen and kif,all different prices,all good .....soapie was what got me smoking good green

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