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Little training I've done on previous runs..






This one was a bagseed I found a long time ago..Can kind of tell by the picture quality lol Years ago



hows it lookin now man. any more takers or ir just me a gorrilla?
just you two so far brother, where's all your people? Play the tune of your people for me so I can ask who wants in

I Think everyone has jumped into the [HASHTAG]#mephisto[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#cob[/HASHTAG] battles ..:coffee:..but I'm sure if you keep shouting we can pull some in..:thumbsup:

Have you put a thread up in the [HASHTAG]#GrowBattles[/HASHTAG] section..see if you can get any takers..?
I think they are just scared :smoking: I've been posting about this long before the September battles got announced.
I am allowed to post there? I was going to but noticed all the threads were posted by mods or well respected members so I passed.
that last one.... oh man get in there and clean up all those suckers.... it'll thank you

very nice ... bagseed has gotten way better with time lmao
yeah, but are risky imo...Everything can be perfectly dialed in then suddenly one day you noticed nanners and entire grow destroyed. I rather never use bag seed, I have and also had unfortunate results and great results thats just how it always will go with bag seeds.
My safety sun hat. My 70s beach cruiser shades. I'm out here in this MF styling on em lol. Really I'm a giant safety colored hairy ogre. But in my head. I'm like the crocodile Dundee of the safety world right now. Just a bad ass. Certified lol
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