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howdy troops a wee update from the water garden. both plants around 40 days. a/u is on the warpath. i upped her to 600ppm but shes still wanting more : ). think ive figured out why my dwc big bud is staying so small too. gotta be something to do with the res temps. cant keep them below 27 most of the time. which, ive just an hour ago sussed out isnt really an issue as much for the a/u in nft because 80% of the roots arent actually in the res. hurrah : ) shouldve checked the temp of the roots actually, ill do it next time. View attachment 787195
awesome looking!
Damn, ijust got called ancient.. Kidding.. A rolling machine spliff is the best i can do bro.. @archie gemmill has mad skills, my machine spliffs dont even look as good as his hand rockets!!!!
Nah bro, No cardboard in the end. "crutch" Where a filter would be in a cig. You got mad skills. :vibe:
New experience today being in a legal state for the first time.

Me to the Electrician: "Oh hey don't mind my marijuana plants, let me know if you need me to move them out of the way."
New experience today being in a legal state for the first time.

Me to the Electrician: "Oh hey don't mind my marijuana plants, let me know if you need me to move them out of the way."
It's all good you don't have to move them. I'll just stay right here and enjoy them with you.
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