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oh same ole man. ya know bro! lol just relaxing and procrastinating about doing stuff as usual,but ill get around to it.LOL soon enough. The harvest is stellar and got well over a half pound.LOL! good stuff that harvest. :D treating me well. I got a sour hound,chem n Cush and a MoonStone Amnesia 2 Fem going or just above ground now.LOL so this nect one with autos should do alright man.I hope but summer sux for me. High high Rh and teps but the cob n LED keep it calm'ish on that end sooLOL should do okay.
oh same ole man. ya know bro! lol just relaxing and procrastinating about doing stuff as usual,but ill get around to it.LOL soon enough. The harvest is stellar and got well over a half pound.LOL! good stuff that harvest. :D treating me well. I got a sour hound,chem n Cush and a MoonStone Amnesia 2 Fem going or just above ground now.LOL so this nect one with autos should do alright man.I hope but summer sux for me. High high Rh and teps but the cob n LED keep it calm'ish on that end sooLOL should do okay.

Oh man, I think I'm about 2 or 3 states away from you on the same side, I hear you with that humidity..50 something almost touching 60 especially after I water forget about it..Over a Half pound hell yeah, need I say beautiful buds? Lol Good to hear you're enjoying it :thumbsup:
Hey Dude!

oh same ole man. ya know bro! lol just relaxing and procrastinating about doing stuff as usual,but ill get around to it.LOL soon enough. The harvest is stellar and got well over a half pound.LOL! good stuff that harvest. :D treating me well. I got a sour hound,chem n Cush and a MoonStone Amnesia 2 Fem going or just above ground now.LOL so this nect one with autos should do alright man.I hope but summer sux for me. High high Rh and teps but the cob n LED keep it calm'ish on that end sooLOL should do okay.
Hey Bro,hows things?! yeah I was curious how long it took for him to learn to do that well. GAWD what a night mare.idda given him half or even all of what was in my pockets LOL! yeah I had closer to a pound at full tilt but meds n friends sooo LOL
The Aloe Vera I rescued from Stop & Shop is doing well in your living seedling mix..They tortured this thing..

eh I dont run a closed tent all the time in summer actually.almost never short of stink flowers busting out.LOL and winter again not always LOL! so the RH and hest has more room to move and not be inhaled by intake vents and the like.but yeah it suxs.when I use my T5 its tough but thats life. I didnt wanna move the light plus my beans were already stuned as far as my autos go now from the higher heat shipping imo.soo they didnt do well either way
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