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Hello chums,

got back from hospital today, my consultant tells me I have osteoporosis, hence why I keep breaking bits of me. Not a good day !

But, onwards and any gossip....?.........go on tell me a secret about yourself. Just between you n me. Post it here. No one else will see it if you put "eP" in the text. Honest guv ! Would I lie to you ?............Probably...............eP.
Hmmmmm I thought fish was rich in calcium ?? More milk eP :thumbsup:

I have neglected you guys. I know. I'm sorry. But. Here I am with my new safety hat. My new rig. And off early. Let's fire up big dab [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] in 45 min.
Only cuz I luv yous guys
We are scrumptious.......but whatever you do, make sure you do not overcook. Medium rare is perfect. However, cute as we are, a slow cooker pot can also reap rewards. Plenty of fresh herbs, celery, carrot and onion Bastard Ripper !"""!!!!!

How about we eat you you twit !..............Mind you, if you have the IQ of a slug, what to expect ?.......Einstein ?

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