try living in scotland mate. ive gotta get the speedos out in the middle of july just to swim to the fuckin shops. its rediculous. dont care where you are in the world it really cant be as crap as it is here like. im trying to grow chillies aswell and theyve managed about 5 mediocre days outdoors in the last 3 weeks. every other day.... rain.. gloom... wind and shite. at least we make the best scotch whisky tho...... oh no wait, thats the japanese... brutal country mate. could be worse though, couldve been born.... nah i wont say it lol. haha
It really is a wide spectrum of weather in the world. I would soooooo almost trade places with you. But, realistically just wish we could get enough of your overabundance of rain sent this way to lessen your dampness and get ours up to more than the current dessert state of affairs. It is too, too, too, too, TOO frickin' dry here!!!