Talking about my LED's, I just got it back from Mars/Hydro. Refurbished.
It cost me $107 with freight both ways and the $30. fee. Parts were free under the extra year given through AFN.
While they had it, I got the power bill for running them along with the COBs. It reminds me of when I ran the the 150 w CFLs.
The LEDs will stay in the box for the time being because the COBs are doing a better job cheaper.
It cost me $107 with freight both ways and the $30. fee. Parts were free under the extra year given through AFN.
While they had it, I got the power bill for running them along with the COBs. It reminds me of when I ran the the 150 w CFLs.
The LEDs will stay in the box for the time being because the COBs are doing a better job cheaper.