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Very nice!!!!
The Missus is already planning to rearrange her stash box so they'll all fit. :doh:
I've been married long enough, however, to think like a husband at all times. :eyebrows:
I ordered enough jars to ensure that they couldn't possibly all fit! :muahaha:
NHS testing weed-based vapouriser that could help legitimise cannabis in the UK
The health service is testing a product called the MediPen, which uses a non-psychoactive compound of cannabis called CBD


The MediPen vapouriser (Photo: MediPen Ltd)
The NHS is testing its first-ever cannabis-based vapouriser, potentially paving the way for legalisation of the drug in the UK.

The health service is reportedly looking into usage of the so-called MediPen - a legal product that allows users to inhale the compound cannabidiol (CBD) found in cannabis - to relive pain and anxiety.

Unlike THC, the compound in marijuana that gets people high, CBD appears to have health benefits without side effects, according to a report by The Independent .

The MediPen has been on sale for a year now - and has received plenty of positive reviews.


Well that was unexpected the UK is never usually forward thinking like this eve if it is CBD, normally any cannabis related therapy is frowned upon.
I found this article scanning google but the actual article was on the "Daily Mail" webpage. The Daily Mail sits firmly on the right and is a a bit sniffy about cannabis and those who use and grow it.
So there was a poll Should cannabis be legal and look at the result 91% in favor.
I think if they changed there view on cannabis they might have a higher readership.


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Pun intended? :eyebrows:
Now I'm the first person to make light of a situation and I wish I intended that!!!!:face:Doh I actually didn't realize, I was talking from the heart and was thinking about legalization in my country, so my funny bone was on pause!:shrug:
I'd better have a vape and sort it out, can't be losing my mojo!:nono:
Afternoon, Stoners! :toke: Just a few hours to go on my first week back at work, and I feel absolutely pounded. :deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse:
On the bright side, the jars I ordered from @FullDuplex arrived yesterday! :yay::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
These things are freaking awesome :thumbsup: The only thing I think could be improved on ( and I really shouldn't have to say anything) is that they don't come pre-loaded with FD's amazing bud.  What up with that? :crying:
Thanks Brother, we love them! :worship:
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cheers Red!, those jars are awesome and yeah, at least a few seeds, lol
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