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Lol yeah I learned on mazaks and then went to fanuc. It's like you have to trick a mazak into doing what you want, fanuc will do anything you tell it to. Centroid is sort of like having both. I can write programs in conversational or m&g code.

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best use EVER for a CNC mill.
Mornin Pop22. It's supposed to warm up today, I may get some pics of my hugelkulter today. I have decided that I will run the experiment, but I have to simplify it some. The soil testing for biodiversity and biomass is straight up cost prohibitive. So I will be studying water holding capacity instead. I can get those test at the local university cheap.
At least one of these ladys makes movies !! :eyebrows:

You can't always tell a book from its cover. Once a year there was a week of boating photo shoots out of the resort where I kept a boat. No boat picture is complete without a bikini so they had about 20 models there for the week. We were always at the dock by 4pm and the boat and fish cleaned and us in the pub by 5. where all those with the shoot were also. 20 beautiful models in with all the mates and captains. But the locals were on their best behavior in the presence of such beauty, silently wanting to take any one of them home to mother. Until we learned that they all worked for Larry Flint. The ice broke and the fun started. Some of the tales were epic. Of course being married I had my toddies and went home early as usual.
Yessssss lol, I sharpened a bunch of pencils in the cnc lathe when I was bored one day but never opened beers.

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My question @Dmrides220 ... why arent u building COB stuff? let's see some bloody COB holders, frames, and heatsinks ! Make that equipment sing!
My question @Dmrides220 ... why arent u building COB stuff? let's see some bloody COB holders, frames, and heatsinks ! Make that equipment sing!
That shit is so cheap that right now that nobody would be willing to pay what it would cost for me to make it. I make parts for people that don't care what it costs as long as it gets them up and running again. Thrifty weed growers aren't gonna pay my prices lol.

But if you're in a jam I'm here for you.

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