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I gotta tell you guys, I love the way things are shaping up right now. I am starting to aquire "patients"
One buddy suffers from cluster headaches, and the fudge I gave him is totally working for him. The other one has anxiety attacks/ptsd, and I'm just getting started with her. I have lots of ideas for medical edibles. This is such a fun journey! It's good to finally put my knowledge and experience somewhere fun and useful.
way to go doc
I'm off to get a hold of some bags of sterilized rye grains. Looks like I'm going to have some new kids growing in the closet this week...
For fun this summer I thought I would plant some tomatoes since they are similar to our favorite crop and totally socially accepted.
Instead of buying online I went to the local garden store that caters to farmers in this small town to get the best locally grown tomato seeds.
Since I had been there before (its been there 100 years) I knew I could get seeds. I walked in and :woohoo:I could not believe it. Everything was stocked to top of the things us organic growers love. The prices were what I consider fair to low. Everything from ferts to insect repellent. I went in for a couple of packs of seeds and $75 later I was out the door. I am planning to sneak back later alone for more shopping. Luck day for me. And the sun is shinning. It must be luck o' Irish week.........
Got a pic of @pop22 for ya :snow1:.
Well now this is turning into the perfect day . After 8 months that candy assed lawyer of mine wants to drop my wrongfull dismisal suit because he says " he can't win " . He could have told me that 8 months ago bla ,bla, bla . Fortunatly no charge and I will have to accept a paltry $ 2300. 00 . from the company .. It's the law here in Dodge . :smoking:
Local garden stores are wonderful places! They get 90% of my business

For fun this summer I thought I would plant some tomatoes since they are similar to our favorite crop and totally socially accepted.
Instead of buying online I went to the local garden store that caters to farmers in this small town to get the best locally grown tomato seeds.
Since I had been there before (its been there 100 years) I knew I could get seeds. I walked in and :woohoo:I could not believe it. Everything was stocked to top of the things us organic growers love. The prices were what I consider fair to low. Everything from ferts to insect repellent. I went in for a couple of packs of seeds and $75 later I was out the door. I am planning to sneak back later alone for more shopping. Luck day for me. And the sun is shinning. It must be luck o' Irish week.........
Got a pic of @pop22 for ya :snow1:.
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