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Blumats are interesting! I like simple tech like that. auto pots are another great device build on simplicity. Both are a boon to growers!

Speaking of photo plants....need to give some quick props out to Blumat's again. I know some may be sick of hearing me talk about 'em...but here's reason number whatever why they're awesome...

Had to go out of town for a week. So I setup my Ghost Of LeeRoy clone that had recently been switched to flower lighting cycle and was in stretch/transition and put her on a Blumat in the closet a couple days before leaving. The plant had been in the tent getting hand watered up to this point. Gave her a good feeding the night (my night...her morning) before leaving and then left it to fate and autopilot while gone for the week.

Leaves look a little light colored to me like she's starting to get hungry, but other than that no worries after being on her own for seven days. Luv, luv, LUV the auto watering. :smoking:

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That's my plan! Although right now, I'm setting up 2 tents for photos! One for test grows of Zambesa photo periods, and one for my Ducksfoot. Autos will still be grown in the small tent! But I need to keep my tomato on 12/12 so she's going in the broom closet till spring!

Here too, hubby was worried they would run out of steak LMAO. I said no, I don't think it's marked over here, it's just 14th March!

@pop22 I might have to have a tent just for a photo plant so I'll go and have a look at the photos section.
Blumats are interesting! I like simple tech like that. auto pots are another great device build on simplicity. Both are a boon to growers!

Autopot's are another tech that's high up on my list of things I'd like to try. The two, Autopot's and Blumat's, have always sturck me as different ways to accomplish the same basic thing...take the when and how much to water questions out of the gardeners hands. Would be fun to see a same space, clone grow comparison with the same medium in Autopot's next to some smartpots with Blumat's. Could even theoretically setup both systems to use the same feed resiorvoir to almost make the only variable the watering systems. *insert evil mad scientest grin and laugh here*


80's break....
OMG I'd forgotten how much I like Black Dragon! I was hurting from head to toe... Well its so dry in here that my Black Dragon buds dried in two and a half days. Just popped them into a jar to cure, along with some Boveda packs and a hygrometer. Curing at 61% RH.

And Ohh do I love vaporizers! Stuffed a couple small buds into my HerbalAire vape and hooked up the whip. OOoooooooo the taste!!! And these just barely dry buds taste as good as any. Cured, it will have a sharper odor and taste, but even fresh buds can be vaped! I took a fresh bud the other day and put it in the vape. I left it on 275F for twenty minutes, then raised the temp to my usual favorite of 350F. It vaped just fine! No more microwaved!

Back to the Black Dragon. Nice, moderate head buzz, quite pleasant! But ohhhhh does the rest of me feel better! What pain remains is in the background, not even a nuisance. My doctor recently told me, no more over the counter anything for pain. So canna or Tramadol are my only options, and I make it a point to use very little Tramadol.

So if ya got Dragons, grow them! Great medicine!

Black Dragon with purple buds pic2 -3-13-2017.jpg
Black Dragon with white buds pic1 -3-13-2017.jpg
OMG I'd forgotten how much I like Black Dragon! I was hurting from head to toe... Well its so dry in here that my Black Dragon buds dried in two and a half days. Just popped them into a jar to cure, along with some Boveda packs and a hygrometer. Curing at 61% RH.

And Ohh do I love vaporizers! Stuffed a couple small buds into my HerbalAire vape and hooked up the whip. OOoooooooo the taste!!! And these just barely dry buds taste as good as any. Cured, it will have a sharper odor and taste, but even fresh buds can be vaped! I took a fresh bud the other day and put it in the vape. I left it on 275F for twenty minutes, then raised the temp to my usual favorite of 350F. It vaped just fine! No more microwaved!

Back to the Black Dragon. Nice, moderate head buzz, quite pleasant! But ohhhhh does the rest of me feel better! What pain remains is in the background, not even a nuisance. My doctor recently told me, no more over the counter anything for pain. So canna or Tramadol are my only options, and I make it a point to use very little Tramadol.

So if ya got Dragons, grow them! Great medicine!

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beautiful pop22, and thanks for med report!
Back to the Black Dragon. Nice, moderate head buzz, quite pleasant! But ohhhhh does the rest of me feel better! What pain remains is in the background, not even a nuisance. My doctor recently told me, no more over the counter anything for pain. So canna or Tramadol are my only options, and I make it a point to use very little Tramadol.
I'll have to check that strain out sometime. I, too, use canna for pain. In fact, its all I use. I can't take the pills anymore....they started causing kidney problems for me, so weed is all I'll use these days. I'm always on the lookout for potent medical strains!

getting ready to seed the waiting for the greenhouse window grow, photon shield up, check the light, soon cob will be adding it's brilliance
Nice little setup you got there, Trail!
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