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LOL. I won't bore you with the whole dream.... but this is funny.

My GF was trying on clothes, asking about fit of her dress. She innocently asks "how does this look?" My response... "You're neurosis is showing" and she starts looking at her dress. That part kills me.
lol that's awesome!!!!! I think my wife would react in a similar fashion..

lol.. in a similar...... fashion!... lol.

I think we have humorously proved the correlation between fashion and neurosis.
Good Day A.F.N.
Looks like spring has finally arrived . Last year at this time I was already working on the golf course which will not happen this year because of a brain dead superintendant that doesn't know his ass from his elbow and could use a course in anger management . I know there is a reason for me not being allowed to do one of the things that I realy enjoyed doing cutting grass early in the morning with nobody around to bug me . So far the reason has not become clear to me but I'm sure it will reveal itself eventually. I could look to other golf courses in the area there's lots but I just don't feel like going through all the b.s. associated with that . Well thats the good news hope your day is perfect if there is such a thing . Rant Over . :biggrin:
Good Day A.F.N.
Looks like spring has finally arrived . Last year at this time I was already working on the golf course which will not happen this year because of a brain dead superintendant that doesn't know his ass from his elbow and could use a course in anger management . I know there is a reason for me not being allowed to do one of the things that I realy enjoyed doing cutting grass early in the morning with nobody around to bug me . So far the reason has not become clear to me but I'm sure it will reveal itself eventually. I could look to other golf courses in the area there's lots but I just don't feel like going through all the b.s. associated with that . Well thats the good news hope your day is perfect if there is such a thing . Rant Over . :biggrin:

Work for the Gov'mt? they got lots of grass to mow. Playing fields and such...
That I will be at the end of the year!!
I'd buy one now but just in the last 2 months I've spent $600-700 on my setup, and as you could imagine the missus isn't to thrilled about that, so I'm done with upgrading atm untill she forgets how much I've been spending haha
I hear you . I have no wife to contend with but a landlady that gets real excited when I start another plant . :rofl:
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