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Poe is like me today... Lazy ass lol

@Eclectic Elle. Poe recently found a kitten that someone dumped on our road.. And brought her home lol she won't let you near her so we fixed up a heated cat house outside for her. She basically lives on our land. I feed her daily. We named her Luna because she only comes out after the sun goes down lol

We are total cat people. And they are like dog hybrids lol they all go outside to do their business which is nice not having a box of crap in the house all the time...

Birth or maybe a touch of the tip on the nutes, but the inside one really looks gen. Had quite a few plants have deformed leaves in the start, I think it's small water droplets, that burn then while they are really small and we don't notice but as they grow they come out looking burned twisted and just wierd...
nute burn does not happen only on one side of a leaf or on just one leaf
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