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@Dr. Babnik Hello my friend how are you today? I've just finished assembling a small greenhouse and planted my first non-canna plants! Cucumbers, lettuce, etc :) :)
I'm great! How are you?

I visited Mr. Mo this morning and somked his blueberry. Wasn't it, @Slowmo?
Now I enjoy a hint of spring on my balcony. Just finished planting two Moroccan mint. Yes, mint. Mint for tea. My strawberry plant has started to grow, so removed all dead material and gave it some fresh soil. Their first meal of the year was water from bubble hash.

Did you know, a strawberry is technically a nut?

Art installation that shoots two clouds at each other...

Table trimmers are another option I was considering for a while. Not really growing enough to merit one these days, though, so never looked too deep into it. But I know there are posts, vids, etc... round the 'Net of folks making their own using dremmel motors, trimmer motors, or the like.

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