Not open for further replies.'s been happening often, but I have mostly sativas, which are great for depression, but not really the best for anxiety.

Since Friday night, though, I've been doing the Great Salad Bowl in the Sky, from when someone suggested at the party here that I mixed all strains I have at home (17, mostly sativas and very high THC) and did a bowl for my "Let's get witchy shit-faced on video game" and I was like "Yeah!" Still toking the leftovers...

Right now, though, before I forget, I'm gonna grind pure CBG and do a bown. I wanna see if it does the same. Then I'll try it with my Delicious Candy (80% indica).

Science at its best! I'm a great guinea pig. [emoji16] [emoji13] [emoji43]

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You need a nice balanced hybrid.
@Rebel, yeah...I'm a huge Dinafan (but I'm on a diet!! [emoji13] [emoji16] [emoji28] [emoji23]) and love making words with their's so Dinaperfect! ROFLMAO

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@Rebel, yeah...I'm a huge Dinafan (but I'm on a diet!! [emoji13] [emoji16] [emoji28] [emoji23]) and love making words with their's so Dinaperfect! ROFLMAO

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Me too!! I have 7 Critical + growing right now... Just hit flower. :thumbsup:

I'm off to dish out some more badges... You whores... :crying: :crying:
Ayuh! :smoker1:... My suspicions were right,... Sati's get that way with me too sometimes, though often there's a "state of mind" component to it as well,... Sati'-vibe magnification! :coffee: :eek1:
:baked: --- :crying:
... Haaaa, the salad-effect!! --that will get you stoned to the bone and phoning home- :rofl: but may not be an improvement, considering the ingredients! But anything with significant CBD will knock the edge right the hell off that twitchy buzz-- :rofl: (Rap' with me here) :pimp: --her name is Witchy, spelled with an '-itchy,...she smokin' sum Fresh an it makin' her twitchy!!
@Rebel @Waira

Renaissance Redneck gave me the link to the thread for making tinctures that help with anxiety. He said his wife has overcome hers using this tincture. Just waiting for the new line of high CBDs from, you know who...Dinawesome (LOL) to come out and I'll be playing with that.

And once that happens, I'll be 100% pharma-free! Already use canna capsules for diabetes, sativas for depression and lack of motivation (if I toke and get busy, I don't get anxious).

The only med I still take is Xanax...and now that I think about it, Red Poison had very Xanax-like effect on me. Hmmm...

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Me too!! I have 7 Critical + growing right now... Just hit flower. [emoji106]

I'm off to dish out some more badges... You whores... :crying: :crying:
Hahaha! Don't judge me! [emoji13] [emoji16] [emoji28] [emoji23] [emoji121]

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