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Tag me 100% for sure. Future diy build for me. Listen to a lot of growmau5 on YouTube and I don't understand 68% of it. But I am learning. This thread is a good spot for my questions ! Super dope. Thanks man.
Don't expect to understand this guy any better. It's gonna be a bunch of letters and numbers smashed together for aliens to understand.
I don't know how any of the younger generation survive . I live in a house that's worth $ 900,000.00 cad How the f--- does a young couple afford the down stroke on a house that expensive ??
I think my issues came from the fact that I was a super physical guy that was on the go all the time...and in the span of a year things fell apart and I got a major back injury, two knee injuries and a couple other odds and ends. It seems as though it happened over night, and I wasn't prepared. I think that is where the root of the problem was for me.
well Frank, I've never had anything like this to deal with
I don't know how any of the younger generation survive . I live in a house that's worth $ 900,000.00 cad How the f--- does a young couple afford the down stroke on a house that expensive ??
Easy.....they're all in debt up to their ears!!!:hookah:
Don't expect to understand this guy any better. It's gonna be a bunch of letters and numbers smashed together for aliens to understand.
:crying:man don't you know it. I read that stuff and feel dumber than a stump. Put all the letters and numbers into practical means for us toopid people
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