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I figured out the disfunction, and it only took a few extra clicks. somehow youtube links got stuck in my copy/paste thing. closed browser, open again. it let me fix it. Looks like a previous post of mine got on a banned list! Not funny, maybe a little. No no... not funny. Funny, probably, or not.
I figured out the disfunction, and it only took a few extra clicks. somehow youtube links got stuck in my copy/paste thing. closed browser, open again. it let me fix it. Looks like a previous post of mine got on a banned list! Not funny, maybe a little. No no... not funny. Funny, probably, or not.
the magical chant
I can't beat that...but my dogs' favorite treats are carrots and (frozen or otherwise) green beans. And my older pit was on a 100% raw food diet for a few years. His favorite food was raw chicken thighs and livers!

Nice avatar Dude! It really ties the forum together!!:420:
I like it .....ties the forum together........nice rug favourite film of all time ....coen brothers rock along with creedance........i just came down from illinois....lock the front door oh boy,dude dude dude,dude get out my back door .....or something like that lol

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I'm the same way! I never know what day it is (or month most of the time). I don't see the point in being obsessed with the time since I stopped working!!! The only thing I try to keep track of the time for is dinner! I cook for my wife every night...but if I get to working in the grow room or what not...we don't end up eating until 9 or 10 at night!!! After the fifteenth or sixteenth time of that, she went ahead and asked me to try to keep track a little harder! :rofl:
Never wore a watch, my life style demands quick release with no injuries, hence no adornments at all. When folks come visit i can see see em look around for a clock, lol, you on cannabis time now, pilgrim
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