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Daenerys Targaryen Is the queen of dragons in Game of Thrones.....which if you haven't read the books or seen the TV series, you damn well should!

Sorry, @Mossy I thought you had left!
I'm in the 1% of the world that has never seen 1 episode dude....:headbang:
Leave it just like it is. More movement risks further damage.

Sounds good I will leave her taped up @ the bend as is, untouched! At this point shes close to harvest, maybe another 2-3 weeks. I doubt she will have any further vertical growth just buds fatening up.. had to do an early harvest on the one yesterday because it had over 80% red/brown pistils and the trichomes were milky the rest of the crop is tagging along @ the same speed.
@E Grower of course you are entitled to your opinion.....I wouldn't watch The view, either! But Game of Thrones is the finest TV series I have ever seen! If you like adventure, political intrigue, wars, sex, romance, incredible acting and epic special effects you should check it out! Not to mention its won about a dozen Emmys. Ma'am???

Well then.....

Maybe I do need to check it out?

Thanks, I will look..... :toke:
I'm in the 1% of the world that has never seen 1 episode dude....:headbang:

Well, @Vapo69 some of us don't have much excitement in our lives, LOL! Reading and watching things like Game of Thrones are just things I enjoy! If we all liked the same things, the world would be a really dull place!
Political intrigue and sex :eyebrows: that means gameofthrones is a banned subject

The books are really good @E Grower

My poor eyes don't allow me to read much, unless it's back lit like a putter. Even then it wears me out after a time. Maybe I can find an auditory book? But, really don't do that either. I'm a waste :crying: I only do one thing at a time at my age. :pass: Can you guess what it is right now?? :pighug:
Political intrigue and sex :eyebrows: that means gameofthrones is a banned subject

The books are really good @E Grower

@hairyman even fictional sex and political intrigue? I agree about the books....I just wish George R.R. Martin would finish the books! Going to be interesting to see if they wind up in different directions!
Well, @Vapo69 some of us don't have much excitement in our lives, LOL! Reading and watching things like Game of Thrones are just things I enjoy! If we all liked the same things, the world would be a really dull place!
...if they made it into a cartoon I'd watch it...:rofl:
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