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hello stoners i always try pop in once or twice a day to say hi hope you all have a great weekend I'm just having a blast of my samsquach og
Howdy stoners!


family6 day today! There will be shitloads of 6s everywhere!

baby6s, auntie6s, tween6s and uncle6s!

hi pal
pad life is insane compared to rim brakes.lost count of the number of times ive taken pads out,put them straight back in again :shrug:

My 7 year old has a full squish 140mm travel bike and he fucking sends it. Kids these days have shot I could have never dreamed of as a kid. We ride a place called thunder mountain and his favorite trail hawleywood if you wanna check it out, so much fun!

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
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