I think there's a few of them around, in various sizes. IIRC ROC "outposts" were no more than 10 miles apart so the whole UK is littered with small, "3 man", bunkers which were a bugger for damp, and obviously you had bigger ones as "control rooms" in major cities, then you step up in size as you go "regional" and "national". I know quite a few of the bigger ones were snapped up years ago and are used as secure server/data storage rooms, many of the biggest ones are still in official MOD use, but you can still buy the small "prison cell" ones, for they were not exactly much bigger than a standard UK prison cell, for, well, £20 grand with a wonderful view near the Tweed in Scotland.
And morning all, the sun is shining and soon it's out and about to a local "neighbourhood party/junk sale" then rest before the F1 from Texas. Looks awfully like Pandora will be chopped tomorrow, things are so cloudy I'm surprised there's no lightning to be seen, and it looks like Maria has a bit of Scots in her because it looks like she'll be wee, short and fat going by growth so far.
One is satisfied.